I will be looking for volunteers at the September 2016 sesshin at Tahoma Zen Monastery to participate in an investigation of brainwave patterns. The schedule includes a 4-day kosesshin Sept 6-9, a 7-day intensive osesshin Sept 12-18, and a 7-da7 kosesshin Sept 21-27. Having fewer hours of formal meditation, the two kosesshins provide opportunities to schedule EEG recordings during free time.
There will be two goals in the study: (1) to look for pre/post differences in brainwave patterns for individuals participating in an intensive 7-day meditation retreat, and (2) to look for patterns associated with focused meditation vs. mind wandering.
If you will be attending any or all of the upcoming sesshins in September and you would like to participate in the brainwaves study, please send me an email or fill out the comment form below and we can schedule recording sessions.
I would like to have participants estimate their total lifetime meditation experience (hours of formal practice) on the release form which can be printed and turned in at the time of your recording.